I´d like to
talk about boarding schools.
A boarding
school is a kind of private school with the difference that you live there,
it´s a mixture between a house and a school. Nowadays, everyone think that a
boarding school is for impolite and bad students because there, teachers are
more strict. However, just a few years ago, a boarding school was for all kinds
of students, bad or good. There were even more good students than bad students.
The aim of a
boarding school is to educate and they also want studens to get better marks.
nightmare of a lot of teenagers is to be sent to a boarding school because they
think that they won´t see their friends and family for a lot of time. Students
only see the disadvantages, for example in a boarding school students can´t see
their family. They not only can´t go out with their friends but also they
haven´t got much freedom.
The truth is
that there are shortcomings but there are also advantages like the students
really improve their grades, they learn to be independient and they learn how
to organize themselves and their work as well.
students think that a boarding school is horrible and just for bad students but
it´s just a stereotype. The reality is that a boarding school is a school a bit
harder than a normal school but it´s a really nice place to learn too.
However, it
is just my personal point of view; for example, a lot of members of my family
have gone to a boarding school and they weren´t bad students at all.
Taking all
this into account, I must admit that boarding schools are as good as normal
By: Belén March Calderón
Belén es fantástica, lo tuve claro desde el primer momento en que la vi. Es una gran satisfacción ver como ella, al igual que el resto de chavales que publican en este blog (que sigo con asiduidad) continúan progresando de esta manera. Enhorabuena a todos ellos y como no,a su magnífica profe.
Muchas gracias Doña Loli!! La echamos mucho de menos y me encantaría vela de nuevo. muchos besos;)