
Mostrando entradas de 2013


My name's Marta. I'm from Pozoblanco in the north of Cordoba. After school, I go home and I have lunch. I also meet my friends and we listen to music. In the evening, I always do my homework and I study. If I have free time I usually use my mobile and I listen to music. I never read a book but Ialways watch TV. At the weekends , I always study but in the afternoon I watch TV and also meet my friends. On Saturdays, I go shopping in the morning and read a book in the afternoon. On Sundays,I often watch videos on youtube in the morning and I relax in the sofa in the afternoon. BY MARTA DOMÍNGUEZ


My name is María. I'm from Pozoblanco, Córdoba. After school, I always do my homework and study. I also go to the theatre clases three times a week, on Mondays and Wenesdays from 6:00 to 7:00 with my friend Sara. In the evening, I go to the gym three times a week, on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, from 8:00 to 9:00. Then, I have dinner and watch ``El hormiguero´´. At weekends, I meet my family.On Saturdays, I usually have dinner with my family at my granparents' home. On Sundays, I sometimes go to the cinema with my sister and my counsins too. María Díaz García


My name's Isabel. I'm from Pozoblanco. I've got blond, long hair. I've got big, green eyes. I'm tall.  After school, I alwaYs have lunch, then I do my homework and I study.     In the evening, first, I meet my friend María, second, I paint with her, then I go to my grandsparent's home. Finally I have dinner and I go to bed.     At weekends, on Saturdays I always meet my friends from half past six to eleven o'clock. On Sundays, I usually watch a film. Then I meet my friends to we go skiing. Finally, I have dinner and I go to bed early to go to school the next day.  


My favourite tv series is “ Aida “. It is broadcasted everyday. It is a sitcom with funny situations that make me laugh. There are lots of adverts is the middle of the programme, and I hate it, because I waste my time and I get bored.       Another t.v. series that I like is “ La Que Se Avecina “. It is a very funny comedy. It is about a neighbourhood with a lot of situations, most of times it’s amusing situations, but sometimes it can be touching or scary. I love this series. My favourite t.v. programme is “ Deportes 4” , it’s a sports programme. They talk about footbal and basketball. It’s broadcasted every day at 3:00 p.m. I think that the presenters of this programme are better than the others, because they are very funny.   I watch this programme when I arrive home from school and when I finish my homerwork. ABRAHAM COBOS MESA, 3ºB


Hi! My name is Laura. I’m from Pozoblanco (near Córdoba), in Spain. I’m tall and slim. I have got long, wavy and dark hair. I have fair skin and brown eyes too. After school, I always eat with my family and we talk about the news. In the afternoon, I go swimming twice a week from five o’clock to six o’clock. In the evening, I go to the music school on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. After that, I usually play the piano or I listen to music. Finally, before sleeping, I always read a book. At the weekends, I almost always meet my friends, except on Sundays. When it’s cold or it rains we go to the cinema. I hate winter! On Sundays, I see a film with my parents and my brother or we go to the countryside. In conclusion, I’m always busy. BY: LAURA LINARES, 2º B


I was born in Pozoblanco in 1998. When I was young, we lived in a small house. I´ve always lived in Pozoblanco. In Pozoblanco, I´ve met my best friends and I´ve studied.   My earliest memory is very clear. My family was celebrating my sister´s birthday and my mother left me alone for one moment because she went to talk to my grandparents. I went to my sister´s room and I broke her dolls. My sister was angry with me.   I remember my first day at primary school. My teacher´s name was Mrs.Elena and I left weird. I cried in the first day. I also remember my first day at secondary school, it was a special moment for me because I left more mature. My teacher´s name was Mr.Rafa.   I´ve changed since I was young. I think that I´m more mature and sociable now. Nowadays, I´m 45 years old and I´m a history teacher. I live with my family in Cordoba because I work in a Secondary School in Cordoba.  Juan Pedro Ruiz  


Let me recommend you to visit a new blog from some of our mates in the High School: CUARTO TRASTERO, published by the students of Proyecto Integrado in 4th year of ESO. Here, they will publish some news related to the High School, activities, inteviews and personal ideas or research which are worth watching. You can also contribute with your commentaries, which will be really important.  Good luck for all of them! http://cuartotrasteroiesrdv.blogspot.com.es/


Now that we have started to study, it is a good time to think about music, so, I'd thank your music suggestions for this year. You know some songs in English and some of them can be done in class for us to enjoy and learn, thus:  which songs would you like to listen? You can start your answers using: I'd like to listen to.... /// I suggest to listen to//// I recommend to listen to.... Now, it's your turn to tell me, please!!!!

YEAR 2013-2014

A new year is coming. With this, my old and new students will have to start to work again. This year, will be the last for my 4th year of ESO in this High School, and some of them will have the chance to continue publishing and expressing their opinions here.  There are also some newies from 3rd year of ESO (medium-low level) and 2nd year ESO, to whom I would like to welcome to this blog.  I hope all of them, as well as their families can find this blog interesting and can make the most of it. Doing this task takes a lot of effort and time, thus, I recommend all of you to value it.  Writing and reading here is a way to show that learning matters, that we all can be read anywhere in the world.  Have a nice time!!!!


                                MY FAVOURITE BOOK        I like too much reading, when I can I read a short time. I like books about detectives and horror. The last book that I have read was been `El misterio del eunuco´,I liked very much the theme so I have read it quickly.               This book is about a murder in caliph´s palace from Córdoba. The victim was the caliph´s favourite eunuch so the caliph ordered its investigation to the doctor of palace. The doctor, with the help of his son, solves the murder, they discover that the eunuch commited suicide to do honor to the caliph, thrusting himself a dagger in his heart. The caliph gave big treasures to the doctor by solving the murder.        This book is the best that I have ever read . It is very interesting because...


                                                               ASTURIAS Last summer I went to Asturias with my family we went by car. We                                                          wanted to enjoy the nature. At first, I was very  happy but the travel was very long and I was tired.         I was listening to music when my father drave. When we arrived to Asturias it...


Last year, I went to Cádiz by car with my parents, my brother and my sister. We wanted to go to a hotel. At first, everything was fine. I was playing with my phone, my brother was listening to music and my sister was playing computer games. Suddenly, the wheel car pricked because the wheel had a nail. We sat in the road for thirty minutes! After that, the car started moving and we arrived to a petrol station to have a rest and we had lunch. Afterwards, we arrived in Cádiz. Fortunately, the pool of hotel was opening. In the end my family and I had a stroll at the beach. What a happy ending! BY Jose María López


I´d like to recommend a film, which I saw recently, called The Green Mile. The director of the film is Frank Dorabont. The film won many awards. The film is a fantasy and drama. The setting is Luisana during the 1930s. The film is about: Paul Edgecomb is an old man of 108 years old. He tells his story as the official “the death row” in Cold Mountain Penintentiary. He had a prisoner who had supernatural powers. The main characters are John Coffey, Paul Edgecomb and Percy. -John Coffey: He´s a prisoner with supernatural powers. -Paul Edgecomb: He´s a police who kills John Coffey. John Coffey punished Paul with eternal life. -Percy: He´s a bad police and He was crazy. The things I liked most about the film were the characters and the theme of mistery. Some of the scenes are memorable because, they´re really strong. I liked the special effects of the film because they are fantastic. In my opinion, I think the film hasn´t got a happy ending, but the film is ente...


I´d like to recommend a film which I watched two years ago, called Entrelobos. The director and scriptwriter of the film is Gerardo Olivares. The film is a drama and adventure and the setting is Parque Natural de Cardeña-Montoro(España). The main character is Manuel Camacho. The film length is 113 minutes and the film was shot in 2010. Marcos Rodriguez Pantoja (Manuel Camacho) is young boy that at 7 years was sold by their parents to a goatherd Sancho Gracia (Atanasio); when the goather died in Marcos was left alone. Juan Manuel Ballesta is Marcos at 20 years .Finally Marcos Rodriguez plays the role of Manuel Camacho when he is 60 years. I recommend seeing this film because it is beautiful, very sad and gives a message of overcoming when the boy was  living in the country alone. Francisco Javier Fernández Fernández   3ºA


I have to say THANK YOU for your great attitude at Delyth's presentation. She was really happy about you, and so am I. I think we all have a good time, and I would like to recieve some feedback from you, opinions, ideas... suggestions for the future... everything is welcomed!!!! Thanks

CELDA 211/ CELL 211

Cell 211 I am going to talk about a film called “Cell 211”. I saw this film five months ago, it is a bit old film, but I want talk about it because it is a good film. The setting is a prison, the film narrates the story of Juan Oliver, a prison officer. Is first day Juan faints in a cell. Then, the prisoners take him to prison, when Juan is in the cell. Juan deceives the prisoners, he pretends to be a prisoner, and he becomes friend of Malamadre, the leader of the prison. Finally the prisoners discovered the trap, so they killed Juan and the police killed the prisoners. The most impressive in the film is the life of the prisoners in a prison, my favourite characters in the film are Alberto Ammann, he played the role of Juan Oliver and Luis Tosar, he played the role of Malamadre. The film won eight Goya Awards. The director is Daniel Monzón. I would like to recommend this film, although it hasn’t got a happy ending, I like it. If I was able to change anything, I would chang...




Presentación de isaac peral y caballero 2º ESO from Juani Moral Camacho


Last year, I went to Castellon by car with my parents and my grandmother, Maria. We wanted to go to a hotel. The first day, it was fun. We went to a beach. It was raining when we left the beach. After that, we had dinner at hotel. The second day, we went to visit La Lonja. In the afternoon we were swimming on the pool and we found a familiy. Suddenly, we started to talk to them. On the third day, I stayed with my friend, Sonia on the beach. After that, we had lunch in a restaurant. Sonia and I took some photos. In the end, we went home. Fortunately, the holidays were very fun. María Medrán García


I´d like to talk about boarding schools. A boarding school is a kind of private school with the difference that you live there, it´s a mixture between a house and a school. Nowadays, everyone think that a boarding school is for impolite and bad students because there, teachers are more strict. However, just a few years ago, a boarding school was for all kinds of students, bad or good. There were even more good students than bad students. The aim of a boarding school is to educate and they also want studens to get better marks. The nightmare of a lot of teenagers is to be sent to a boarding school because they think that they won´t see their friends and family for a lot of time. Students only see the disadvantages, for example in a boarding school students can´t see their family. They not only can´t go out with their friends but also they haven´t got much freedom. The truth is that there are shortcomings but there are also advantages like the students really impro...


This film is about: Eight persons were situated inside one room to get a job. The boss asked one question for one answer, with some rules: when they tried to communicate with the boss or the guard of the room they were expelled, when they spoiled their papers, they were expelled too, but when they turned their paper, the papers looked on white. On the progress of the film the people were eliminated, and finally, there was one winner. I like this film because, it´s realistic, but, it had, a fiction factor: the magic bullet, and it took place in the future. From my personal point of view the best part is the explanation of the company and the virus for which they are using the magic bullet, but I prefer not telling more about the ending. BY: CÉSAR SEGORBE


This prezi was done by Lucrecia Bravo and Marta Villarejo


PRESENTATION I watched Ted last December at the cinema. I watched this film with my friends. It’s a fantasy film and it takes place in Boston. MY PERSONAL POINT OF VIEW I enjoyed the film because it`s very funny and enjoyable. It has got very good music and the plot of  film is very good too. The actors are OK. Why? Because a lot of problems happened and in the end of the film there was a solution. THE CHARACTERS My favorite character is Ted, and then is John Bennet, Ted`s best friend, another good character is John`s girlfriend: Lori, she is a good character too, and Ted’s girlfriend, her name is “ La Vane ”.   THE BEST PART The best part of the film is the ending. Because in it  a lot of very funny events happened and the great problem of the film vas solved. In fact, it is a good film end I loved it. It`s a film for teenagers but it is one of the best I`ve ever seen. IT IS INCREDIBLE!!!   BY: TOMÁS VILLAREJO


TWILIGHT I watched TWILIGHT on DVD last Sunday. It´s a fantasy and romantic film. It takes place in the present. I enjoyed the film because it was very exciting. The special effects were excellent, specially the scenes in the forest. I think the music was beautiful. The actors were very good in Twilight. My favourite actor was Robert Pattinson . He played Edward Cullen. Kristen Stewart was excellent too. Her character’s name was Bella Swan. I thought she was interesting . The best part of the film was the final battle. It was spectacular! The ending was lovely, but  I don’t want to say what it was.                                                                                                         ...


I watched “El Diario de Noah” on my computer, last Sunday. It´s a romantic film and remembers the past of the main characters. I love this film because it´s very exciting and very romantic. The husband tells her story because she has alzheimer and doesn´t remember anything. The music is very nice and the places they visit are incredible. My favourite actor is Ryan Gosling, he played Noah Calhoun. The actress Rachel McAdams was incredible too, she played Allie Hamilton; she is very beautiful. The best scene in the film is when the main characters meet and he asks for a date to her many times to accept him. I recommend seeing this film because it is beautiful and very exciting BY: Mª JESÚS LUNA CRUZ, 2º

THE IMPOSSIBLE lo imposible)

I watched “Lo imposible” at the cinema last month. It´s a drama film and it´s based on real facts. I enjoyed the film because it was very exciting and realistic. The film director created spectacular special effects and the soundtrack was amazing. The actors who perform the film are two of my favorites: Naomi Watts and Ewan Mc Gregor. They act very well in each sequence. The best part of the film was the moment when the family gets together. All my friends loved the ending. I would recommend it because it tells a true story of real family. BY: MARÍA SÁNCHEZ PÉREZ, 2º





THE NOTEBOOK I watched The Notebook (Diario de Noah in Spain) on my computer last Friday. It’s a romantic film and it takes place in the past and in the present. I like it because it’s really beautiful and the story is very dramatic and also very realistic. I think the music is lovely, but it’s hard to hear because it’s always very low, except in the dancing scenes. The actors are very good in The Notebook. My favorite actor was James Graner. He plays Noah Calhoun when he is old and he tells the story of their lives to his wife (Allie), to recover her memory. I like very much Rachel McAdams. She plays Allie Hamilton, who falls in love with Noah in her youth. The best part of the film was when Allie decided to stay with Noah, though her parents didn’t agree. It’s moving. The ending was very sad, when he went to her room at night and he told her that their love makes miracles. The next morning, they appeared dead, hand in hand. The last scene is a flock of birds tha...









David Bustamante Hoyos was born in Cantabria in 1982. He started singing when he was twelve years old: he sang in baptisms, tunas, festivals…. His first job was builder, but he has continued singing until now. At the age on nineteen, he participated in a talent show, called “Operación Triunfo”. In the programme he was the third and he had a lot of fame. Since then, he has participated in different concerts form some partners and in different films an singer. He has recorded several CDS including: “Bustamante” in 2002, “Caricias al alma” in 2005, “Pentimiento” in 2006, “Al filo de la irrealidad” in 2007, “A contracorriente” in 2010, “Mio” in 2011. In 2012, Bustamante participated as a juror in the program “El número 1” and he relased his new album, it was called “Más mio”. During his musical career, he has had two platinum and golden discs. At the moment, he is married to Paula Echevarría and they have one daughter. His musical career is very successful.


José Luis Figuereo Franco was born in Cádiz on 4 th June, 1970. He's been involved in music since he was nine years old. He began to sing in “Peña Flamenca La Perla de Cái”. He sings flamenco, pop and Andalusian Rock.   His big break came in 1966, with his CD “ Yo sueño flamenco”, and he called himself “El Barrio”. After that, his mother gave him a black hat and he always wears it in concerts. S ince then, “El Barrio” has had a very successful career. He has recorded several Cds: “Mal de Amores, La Fuente del deseo, Me voy al Mundo, Ángel Malherido, Las playas de invierno, La voz de mi silencio and Duermevela”. He released his last CD on 24 th October, 2011 called “Espejos”, and he isn't going to recorded a new CD until 2015. In my opinion, “El Barrio” is the best singer song writer in Spain at present.   By: Javier Moreno, 3º A


Football has existed since 1863, but its origins are more than four centuries ago .It started in England in the Middle ages. Nowdays, there are teams of football in many countries. It is the most popular sport in the world. The biggest international competition is “World Cup” which started in 1905. It was in Switzerland. There are other competitions such as “League” “Champions League” One of my favourite team is Real Madrid because it plays very well. It is the best team in the world. This team has won many competitions. BY: Víctor Gómez


Melendi Ramón Melendi Espina was born on January 21 st , 1979 in Oviedo (Asturias). He went to class with Formula One car driver Fernando Alonso, to whom he dedicated the song ``Magic Alonso´´. In Febrary 2003, Melendi released his first solo album called ``Sin noticias de Holanda´´. In December 2003, this album was rereleased with two new songs `` Asturias´´ and ``Moratatá´´. In 2004 Vuelta a España chose his song `` Con la luna llena´´ as its oficial anthem. Since then, Melendi has had a very successful and famous solo career. Now he has just released a new CD called ``Lágrimas Desordenadas´´. He has been married since 2007 with Damaris Abab ``La Dama´´ and has had one daughter (Carlota) and one son (Marco) Melendi is my favourite singer in the world because his songs are creative and he is very nice. I love Melendi    Melendi forever BY: Francisco Javier Fernández Fernández 3ºA


Carpfishing Crapfishing appeared in 1978. The creators of it were Kevin Maddock and Lenny Middleton who discovered a new type of hook which can hook the carps better than the others because this hook holds the bait with a hair. The objective of this type of fishing  is catching a big fish and then releasing it to the water. If you want to practice this technique you should have two good rods, two big reels, a lot of line because you need to throw a far distance, a strong rod pod for supporting the rods, two alarms that ring when the carp runs and a big net and a padding blanket. Then you choose your favourite bait. One of the best fishermen in Spain is David Molina. He's from Extremadura and he was the first Spanish fisherman who participated in a world championship. He catches many fish and he knows where they are.


MELENDI Ramón Melendi Espina was born in Oviedo, Asturias in 1979. Melendi is a singer. In 2001 he joined a group called ``El Bosque de Sherwood´´ and after that recorded a demo with only three songs such as, ``Sin noticias de Holanda´´,  ``El informe del forense´´ and ``Vuelvo a traficar´´.   In February 2003, Melendi released his first solo CD called ``Sin noticias de Holanda´´, with twelve songs, in December 2003, this CD was released two new songs, ``Asturias´´ and ``Moratalá´´. In 2005, he released  his second solo CD, ``Que el cielo espere sentao´´ which has sold more than 200.000 copies. Later he released  the album with three new songs,``El nano´´, ``La dama´´, and ``El vagabundo y Carlota´´ and a live concert in Oviedo. In August, 2008  he presented his new single, ``Un violinista en tu tejado´´ from his album Curiosa la cara de tu padre on Spanish radio Station Los 40 Principales. Since then, Melendi has had a very successful...


         Daniel Martín Garcia was born in Madrid in 1997. He's been involved in show business since he was fourteen years old, when he debuted in TVE, presenting the music program “Ponte las pilas”. He began his studies of Dramatic Art at Cristina Rota's school, who provided him with his first jobs like stage actor in comedies. <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->                       His big break came in 2000, when he and his group (El Canto del Loco) recorded “El Canto del Loco”, that was their first album. In the years that followed, the had more success with hits such as “A Contracorriente”, “Estados de Ánimo”, “Zapatillas” and “Personas”. They broke up in 2009. <!--[if !vml]--><!--[endif]-->            ...


History: Basketball first appeared in 1891. This sport was created by James Naismith. The basketball first participated in the Olimpic Games in 1921. The biggest international Basketball competition is the NBA in USA. Men participated and women participated in 1936 for the first time. Equipment: You should always use some basketball sneakers, also, you should wear shorts and     T-shirt, but they must be same color. Basketball language: Some words which I have learned since I started Basketball. -“Stopper”: A player prevents another to score.                                                                    ...


Basketball first appeared in the 1890s. A PE teacher created this sport in 1891, because for a long winter, he couldn´t play anything because of the cold. He created this sport in Massachusetts. The biggest international competition in USA is NBA. There are many teams with many players. They always try to win. It is very exciting! There is international basketball also; it is in the Olympic Games. This sport needs a ball to play and two baskets too. One of favourite players is Juan Carlos Navarro. He plays in Barcelona and in the Spanish selection. He is good player. There are also more players like Paul Gasol, Ricky Rubio, Rudy Fernández. Belén Rojas 3ºB